

Sodium bicarbonate, Irish they speaking.

Before Westlife shows up, I also done that once, their song: Evergreen.

In Taiwan, its all brand new, they are in a package, nick doesn't eat the baking powder (Al in it), so if only baking soda like to cleaning the bathroom or the water pipes, that is like a basic or the general terms of the Indian flat bread tiny puff up, when you fried them. Its good enough.

With Taiwan, all the measurement its by eyes, or this is the package.

The yeast package America or Taiwan is the same.

Taiwan flour is different. The video you ever seen from me, its by the eyes, half bag of that, first time made that. The very very before, I ever made a bread, it was in UB time, Nick doesn't eat this bread, not the yeast bread.

They are all the same to me, to be that flashy as the Honorable Superior, you mean I try to be impressive with my mother or the public you should be doing, its one of this you knowing it the package. If I ever tried to be that flashy. These entire baking industry its only limited to this wet batter, or you saying in that small tiny oven, coming out something without the deep fried. I told you the hot dog. You don't need to roll a real dough like SMCH. You just get a very sticky wet dough around the hot dog, and put in the oven. Very sticky. It came out exactly the same, and they got cooked. No, this required no package, just water and flour. Same to this lightly fried tampura.

You done enough this try out and error, cooking is not a big deal thing. Its the same chemistry, the boiling point, the melting point, set on the timer, the oven. I think even if you get a bench job like the Devil Wear Prada, we have a fridge magnetic timer. You saying how different its the incubator, if you reading a protocol, someone told you?

You got nervous of that 10 mins or what things in between you miss a step. You are not sure its 10 mins, or 15 mins, or 30 mins.

Its exactly what you got told, I don't think you behave the way in Dr. T's lab normal. Wing was in front of me, we first met. We were not the lab partner yet. Something about this all honor class how many of them set a timer, to wait 10 mins, or 15 mins. To you, its the biggest thing inside a lab bench jobs. Its a 10 mins timer. 

I am telling you, either they testing all of us the honor class brain or this cooking lesson in the Sakura Clear Card exactly the cooking lesson, you might just get your performing ability to this Devil Wear Prada, a real incubator one of those bio lab procedure and this cooking lesson. 

Why not?

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