
Nicky doesn't know any of you personally, not even Dennis. He wasn't here with any of your parents, nor this UB receptionist, I was the receptionist, what this Zawanna keeps on and on.

I know how you end up here, I met your dad, your mother, your family, and that entire high school. So its this Adria apartment and Emily entire Lunch their church business entire family suit. Except Melinda family, hers its entire things on the Television.   I met Dean and Ola's parents. Correct. That is when I was the receptionist standing there one person when all of them going in the NSC right side for the award ceremony. I am one person alone outside....

One person alone outside....

One person alone outside...

Want to tell me what is in NSC, one person outside....to sound right, having a conversation this Zawanna human, I am not his type of this receptionist. Its just a chair to sit by the food and the drinks. No, I didn't tell Nicky, I met your entire family 9 generation. I just told you I never talk about the useless human like any of you, ending up on that map. I delete my facebook, just when with my memory all together. 

You know, Wisconsin, its not one of those Toby Mississippi river, you dump from the top, you end on the butoom of the gulp Mexico, so I cannot suggest you why that is not Wisconsin, really.  I clean up the entire world zone river, and American ONLY has one river called the Mississippi river for the chemistry major human like ME.

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