
Ola think she is Tonawanda, gonna killed that Lab that Devil Wear Prada Bella. That Torus, the One. ET's evil eye at

That entire group of the Torus gonna seriously be the each other's enemy.

Over this Keanu Reeve...that Elf ....that is a bad word in Chinese translation really. I don't think ....that between the impossible, everyone tried to imagine they are somebody will define your place in Heaven and on Earth.

How come my brother' crown, never its mine starting 2014 I say whom he is, I might just die on it, why I don't be that louder noise it gets, whom I was, whom I am, what shall be all mine, one of those attitude. You all are very very rigid in your life. Let's say this human world are the only existing worlds of the known ALL Cosmo and ALL universe.

= The capitalism Star and Galaxy FOREVER.

No more this other existence of the realm, you travel Eon or Kalpa. No more.....What you gonna do, you adapt to that society to copy and paste? I cannot even command you that. You understand? You are very very rigid to what you say to your parents included.

I didn't really encounter a guy, in front of my face, saying a negotiation. But you can just paying attention to the words he says, if you and him have that working relationship. Mine works just happened to be....its not anyone's else work on Earth.

!. The bio periodic table.

2. BTx, for sure no one will hire me

3. OU language, for sure no one will hire me, I did what on the Google+

4. Music attack, for sure, never that....Its TED.

5. Then the material science, did I say why the Taiwan shouldn't be that? Case 1 and Case 2 over my name, so I leave.

The life if saying how many upset things, ....for sure you never exist in my life for one day how lonesome that to sound like. "oh ~ its just a merely a whimp thought I thought maybe that is not a bad idea, you act out the movie or the TV" - you almost just starting 2014 might as well, I knew i never get hired, my brother has a name. They save him, I am a blonde. How my mother always treated me.....I must be crying, all my comic book, or the table or the room is gone. How come I don't' behave like any of you just as if the death be apart any scene in your life?  

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