
Probably the first 7 years, there was no voice. Its intimacy, hugging, and not even very much, I don't have the pillow.

Their voice is the guy, mild and gentle.

But the moment they change their voice.....they do not belong here.  They are the commanders, they scream at the kids. 

You never be with a guy? You cannot hug even a physical guy like you hugging a very long pillow, its the skeleton bones hurting your neck, your head, your right shoulder. Right now I am patch my per body every side. I cannot tell you how painful this is, I stay in the middle straight line in this small tiny bed, for some times.

The human idea is different. You talking about Thor right. I hardly talking to them on my initiative, not really. Being if with a safe guy, I am not that freaking it out. Not seeing their aviation friends, or their office like those sleek office, or where they been, or where they go. You imagine every guy has the IQ doing what. I mean the other guy Zawanna.

I learn with all of you.

You ever ever ever physically laying next by a guy like a life.

The ghost and the telepathy?

It would be the ghosts been to hell, they don't have that part of the attitude anymore, they know life must do things right. They learn the hell very very dearly in there, so when if the ghost are not in the psycho format. Meaning a normal presentation in front of me, all of them might be a very long time ago die, they gone to hell for God knows how long. Their attitude if didn't lose the human quality too much, their all internal should be all like very very clear - about the same one thing. Never never never make wrong, so if you asking a ghost if that one thing right or wrong, no matter that is IQ evovle or bad IQ, they will tell you nicely, not like that, not their own personal choice ever again. 

No, I can tell. The difference. They gone to a very long time hell, that is why they don't have that part of the inside, its no matter what, no matter which turn of the reply, it will always be No if that the human quality didn't driven them to psycho hysterical ghost realm those.  Meaning no emotion running out to hurt others included. Not wishing not wanting. No more. That is the ghost been to hell, its very distinct, very clear. The ghost means you don't have a physical form anymore. 

So correct, if saying meeting the ghost. It its long time ago deceased human. Not the modern human if they are still in the hell. 

If you just align your worldly here duty as far as best you can.

This time you might just face your other world outside to the Universal Police as if I meant every word I say. You literally saying the democracy laws, per textbook, per law book, per case, like a quick reading in English, a quick comprehensive, a quick memory recall, a quick summarize, if the public discuss something with you on that one textbook, the law idea, you clearly doing that job JUST LIKE I AM DOING for my own future sake. 

You don't have time to wait for the Judge, or the court room, or the Supreme Court, anything you already say or found out. Some of this things its not this world structure, or you cannot gamble if it will be, but you starting by just abide to that strict idea, you saying you yourself getting the message through, no one needs to believe what I say, it means real, or it means I freak out.

Just read it all the textbook out, that is the only thing to do, not the hell.

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