
Shane, I done those UB meeting up to my throat, SMTV center it’s every Sunday potluck, endless food.

Nick says no eating but just look at it I got tired of. They got the fruits, water, the tea.

The potluck every Sunday and sell the vegetarian food - the mock meat.

Nick took me to the India session that day passing home, it’s their flea market, endless samosa and fried food. I am I am I am up to my throat the food or the meeting. Not care one thing Christmas. 

APO used to have those 4 hours long meeting

I am up to my throat, I keep saying that, the Section of the Article of what not this APO has the regional or the national chapter.

CAC is Ayo's one person's show, one black guy, the rest are the women.

I am very tired of seeing this CAC girls Sailor Moon front and the back. Karen's paeents putting us in their house so Karen has their high school what inverted vaebarea shows up.

Jonathon vanquish his club probably, all of it, every last trace of it. 

They have a line of the Bermuda Triangle, I am NOT talking about the human. That is the University of South Dakoda Medical Center, or Vanderbelt Medical Campus with Anderson CNN on it, and this small clinic somewhere Florida, if not moving to Texas. Let me guess, this is not one of those Alan Full Wall in Zombie 3? The past and the Modern (Victoria Secret).

UB Honor Class to finally when they say that is a UB Honor Program from the 5 Lakes, their own in class leadership

They are on their phase 1 to phase 2 happy hour day every Friday only I worked every Friday they rotate their human head between the guys.

The birds

This is unbelievable they response to me morning to shine sorry, night. I have a sky and the cloud to manage, those are the high tech, or those are from the Earth, they at least asking the American classified side?

Those were the Past in America in UB.

i have a real job as my title really, recently on painting............I have a job title, I just modest not saying the whole lot description of it.

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