
Sigh...again. The occupation in English mean the jobs you have.

The material science people are like those the movie industry producer, they get a house to get inspired, a lot of the writers they have to keep those psychi sense to say....the fountain of the aspiration. Its part of the fallen out of the Digital Era, but they can have the money, and even comfortable. But you saying in the in-line this map demographic, how many population by 1% its the producer+ the material science + writer + composer musician +artist,....by the total population, they drive outside their city line, or they need a quiet place to brain storm. They only step into the human world later on.

Those are not the jobs, I keep saying that. There is no money in it, as a girl, you will not last. You cannot go on the street to believe that in those years you gonna lose your parents. Try to align with the movie, its best for you at least tell the court about it. Going back to the technician school, the law, the medicine, the IT, the whatever.....than those ice cream jobs, or sandwich jobs from the past resume, you keep doing this no brain jobs on the resume. 

The sister of my mother's friend, she is ugly probably and she went back somewhere, study hard, and she got in the high school teacher's position. Meaning maybe if you really really really trying hard, you never know why that opportunities span up.

They are the halogram, the table is full bright light, too bright inside, its a pirate ship.

The pirates are bad. People get caught, but they wearing the black frame eye glasses too. 2 man looks like Hank, and 1 and 2 (fix the water pipe those, its fix under nearth this table kinda?)

Even when you are stealing, you will feel something inside your mind and soul.

These might be 2 different scenario to this turtle shelve, they just told me a random story. Because, these are no good. You can ask the Greys about them. These are, I think the military human. Bad, but....maybe you have some sense they are the "act out" groups in the legally blonde. That is a green man's face with a cover. None of this are good, and my left arm are hurting none stop the bones.


Indulging mood means, you use your eyes and hand to see and to click on....a 4 point frames. And you driven your spine below an energy to surge at your brain. You didn't center yourself, you love that game, and sometimes its at the heart, if that guy response to you, or the phone call. All of that are false illuded in life. 

That guy barely know you, you may not have a in-line phone inside the house to pick up a basic called.

"Hi Wing, I wrote about you on the internet. Never stop. They call you?"

Some people knew each other from before, neither me or Wing has to tell you how we know each other? But I am very sure, it is one of the stupidest thing you cared about. And Wing doesn't know you care about that too small tiny world, because Anna is the pharmaecutical or the pharmacy side. She says that, Wing himself literally study all that for every reason behind, and he will feel different?

Why that is a same field? Its a normal day to day, he works behind any counter, to say, if you really work in the lab, or in an office, you know its a real job behind a counter, to generate a paycheck, and he staring his own mail, or he knows the bank, if he made it in the school?


I think its the medical school.

My final conclusion, those 2 useless Reptilian + a Pixie far away remote, FAR...away listening to them I guess. Their own kind. Its the medical school won. Meaning Anan is my case or my mother. 2 patient my head hurt intern case. One of those MD to Ph.D what, writing paper those. Zawanna his...well, his belief, well, its normal its Ph.D MD and published a book, not just a paper, but publishing a paper its normal in his eyes probably. He might have one of those committee jobs just reading the paper. My peripheral, no. He is a eco-sphere Earth landing on the autumn leafs fallen, bare foot, his bare shin bone down pants jobs, somewhere a safety tank to step his entire leg in jobs, to....back to this small office sleek building.

He meant those are the real jobs.

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