
Taiwan Youtuber - 滴妹


眼睛上的抹水? 就是你家貓咪在喝水? 人在規劃自己的人生,包括男孩子很多人會告訴你們,創作者的原創,有人會弄個非常非常清楚才會有今天的成功,打從一開始的時間跟自己在圖書館做功課,就一個人每行字看過去,你所認為你個子矮,所有人都很高大,所以希望趕到他們的面前去抓住這些,男孩子的注意力,在怎麼台灣,這是一個新的事業,你們毀掉的不只你們自已的人生,是整個 Google 101. 很多人有很多偷雞摸狗因為社交太多,有一天的下場不是當誰,知道時間抵達,通通去坐在監獄等你一個,或是已經很久,直到你自己坐在你的房間等待這每一行,你不知道事情,還是任何一個一個觸碰的]瞬間,你我差的大腦,不只是注意力而已,了解?

The eye's touches water? Its your cat your house drinking water? A person planning him or herself one lifetime, including the guys, a lot of people will tell you, the original creator of the original creation, the original content, someone will have to work it very hard very very clear, to bring out today's success. From the very beginning, one person in the library to do your own homework, one person studying per word lines, reading it through. You considering your are shorty height, everyone else are a lot taller, so you wish to hurry into their eye sight in front of them to catch this tall guy's attention. in this whole Taiwan landscape, this is a new business venture. You are not only destroyed your one personal life, entire life, you destroy that Google 101. A lot of people having toooo many sneaky behind the social engagement, one day that consequence don't know whom, knowing the Time to arrive, often all, every single one last them sitting in the jail waiting you one, its has been very long time, until you yourself sittinig inside your own room til every line words red (read sound red), you don't know things, any of them touching that instant moment, You Me 
brain distance, its not just the attention span, understand?

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