
在講西城男孩 talking about this Westlife Nicky (In Chinese)


These birds are burning hot outside, whichever on my mother's throat, my head...we are very hot here the summer, imagine Melinda down there, If you walking outside your body temperature including the water fishes all dead. They jump out of the deck, and they die there.

There are 2 guys showing up here with my mother so I told her my cell phone broke. I asked her, and she didn't tell me whom they are. 2 Asian guys. Its the real estate guy, so the old man wants to sell ....the air-con its a billing statue.

I say Virus is a pathogen inside your body, that is a no and no. Its the entire body you infest yourself to. They evacuate the entire Ireland if they have to, that is not the case. It might be the president suite.

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