
Those people compete and compared are the mortal. That is why each has no spirituality in them, including the kids. Its just the business, the merchandize, if they got lucky, they live on. With the universal police, you only get right as the ruler.

With the birds God, with the Sun God, with each every step.

Those mortal lives on long span of the years, or with the blessing high tech, they keep going on. No one knows a passing things why a torn Bible tarted means a life, that toooo many zero. That is not per thought doctrine. Its just a religion, someone will tell you that. 

They will tell you, between the commoner, or the rulers, because its in-line, everyone's corporation methods or the yearly income its all the privacy protects. No one knows, its every world, a lot a lot a lot people don't get on the riots sides including not knowing whom you are. You imagine you have to keep seeing a people if you are not the ruler. I might just get what I want. 

I got uptight, its because so far so good their plan going on. That inside I am not that arrogant, everyone older, or the universe police training them, I go to be bigger on the guy's brain. One look, 10,000 years.

If you fallen out of the City Metropolitan, the security, its all the same. I wonder if the police station goes to the Congress. I say Lalla just die outside the suburban, racing the car. You die, you go to hell. One of those. Samsara in that context, still the God's words they given you. They roughly encourage you, because for the IQ clear people, I will tell you....

Every single last one will tell you....those rules, just because you following your Bible as if Eon or Kalpa evolution must arrive the last 20 years in front of them, and you stick to your IQ brain and talent to rise from the Top, those rules on the Top, its seriously just per IQ brain you demoncracy with your personality.

You have a literacy...

You hope not Prince Han, I say there are other Laws and Reinforcement, don't make so hell of life of the Judge, you suing them either way.

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