
You keep imagine Zawanna the first meeting, or which comic book is that?

You never know how lucky you are on the lotto number pick to go to the island.

What you gonna do?

I tell you the correct way to imagine the real things.

Very very heighten the democracy world, and everyone's norm is very vibrant to Compete and compared, so you looking at the youth a lot more inspired and higher IQ than you are, or motivated to do things, almost identical to what Tim Cook wish to see. That is the exactly the Clear cards mean.

In that world, they do have the Zen trend, but I got a name and a title, and I have a lot of things not in person you meet. You are not going to be assign, in anything secure there, so you must marching in the real capital world. HERE on EARTH.

You never hear enough I say This is really Heaven. For the brain like the rest of the humanity on the love games and mediocre, you can invent everything, and just delicate to the women's health, be patient with everyone around you. They only need tiny lean on and they will die out of your sight.

2) This is the second scenario.

The military girl or the most Western girls taller, for some life all the same scene, or every generation, this is what I can see in that Western World, they are a lot more independent to go and find a job outside the campus, or on the campus. You will remember I say I was the UB CADS lab with Lee. This things still don't change. Many of the people can seek the jobs outside the UB. 

You will have a lot a lot a lot of the exactly identical things in life. If you as a girl, the female university professor if they literally means I repeat that 1000 times, that is the only methods you can acquire a mortgage house, or you took your Earth somewhat money to make it a purchase of a house. I don't know myself, because my money I care about the math. 

Life when it got pushed to land in a certain scene, you figure it out that time. I never obsessively to go and imagine. None. My brain is at zero. But I am telling you, when someone literally I explain to you per sequence, per word, per homework, you need to really understand how to your brain, don't make the second time mistakes.

My personal life, very often I suffered. I understand that. I never took it its literally in our world, or will be in our world. Because I can just suffer inside, the whole worlds are not keep hearing or I retrieve, leave. That is what I do. I live with that. For the good reason, someone like me listening.

But if any of this are keep escalating, and the court didn't put a measurement, you will be facing the exactly almost every position or the every story, I keep repeating to you about 1000 time literally re-write them and repeat them every step the way.


You are not going to surpass or the public trial on the debates. Not per look, per scene, per public in front of you, even that is a stage, its far away...you cannot withstand that you mean your eyes can see, if they have the medical equipment makes you see better. Everything sound so intensively bright to your corneal. 

You never have a brain or the IQ, nor the child star to begin. 

The debates for speaking an English, you never concrete your life, that is why you insist to be put on the television. Someone will say, if the "middle man" given you a chance, they want to hear from you, and you looking at 1000 television every day one. And those worlds are nothing but the heighten democracy speaking words.

I cannot hear a word from here Taiwan. No one really super huge on the democracy like them, Taiwan is small tiny. Too loud, American put it down, or whichever reason, They have the real riot in life, not us here on Earth. Therefore the President can tell the whole world, no, not putting any of you.....on the TV public on trial. But that is a norm outside.

You don't care how old they live, its the piece of the skin and the money. You have to pretend you are one of them. 

Pretend to be one of them

Pretend to be one of them.

They will NEVER think of you or for you. Its their life in front of them important. 

Tell me this real real real fake scene.

You are inside a hotel luxury furniture room, watching one TV. This room is not yours one lifetime. Not one lifetime. Here you will never enter those scene. Not Washington D.C. You literally seen a true reality in that luxury room, because, its not on Earth.

And you are going back where your pathetic life, where?

Tell me...where?

Its the entire City map, or the Capitalism.  They know you are a kid. You sound like a kid, you behave like a kid, and someone pointing you everything you done wrong, ...these are everything on the TV, to all the participant else where.

You gonna leave this room about 15 mins.

You just saw this one room, the TV about 50 mins, but you remember its 15 mins to check out.

Tell me a reality. Tell me.

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