
When I was in my leadership? With ET no, you mean your commanders. No, not with them to look like that....

Because in our human world, everyone its very very scatter their attention in the 10 direction.

1. Family, if the dad calls, or the mom calls, or the cousins.

2. Grade school, the middle school, the high school ....

3. America is not that bad, because tooooo far away. In Taipei, its the human affection towards that bondage, so hotel venue, the out skirts district resort side similar to the school field trips.

4. High speed train. 

Can you imagine I told everyone a shameful idea, I don't know how to use a credit card here or buying a high tech train ticket. I got very nervous too. Not in America, but here. Its not safe when I was in California, I literally have to re-mail every cards. So that is VERY very insecure feeling. In America, no. That is very watched, but they have tooo many debts.

5. A lot of people looking at the guys as if every guy if they are like me, they really go to control that guy. You can just say, "we talked about 2 second in the school, no more contact." But people really really cared if they can get that friendship even in 2 second to put inside their mind and brain space very literally emotionally attached at.

6. A lot of your commander define a certain attribute, the human mortal worlds for saying one person staying in that jobs, after 1 years like I used to be in the high school....

I used to thought those big will be there forever, those feeling, But its one year, we literally start training the little, and when you say by training them, you copy paste the coach showing up like 5 times in the first year you seeing him walking around, but he was never on the court. Its girls between the upper year to figure it out, or your current Captain she leads, so we got another coach from outside. 

In other words, these are the girls' world, figure it all out EVERYTHING on your own that day, that year on, that away from 25 class, you need to make it the grade to inside the class. Talk to the teacher, and goes back to a reality, that you got no supports, you make it through that job, the moment the next year comes. That is what I can tell you that.

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