
When you fails everything, you are a fake MD?

You go and do something a lot more you happy, not bent your back to the short guys you didn’t really think he has the potential, or just long years lasting you don’t want to bent to him. Any implication too lazy to foster or too ugly to imagine. 

Make a video.

Make a video A Day in life

You wait 3 weeks, come back to Wing’s issues. To me none of you can bend to each other. It is happening to all world around. You had a story saying that, you want to say every 20 years a born new 20 years inspires to copy THAT or you sent them to jail?

You do your one person bed. You think some other happy things in life. The coffee shop, the shopping mall, exercise. What makes you really happy. That guy, that man, that age….you cannot go aggravating someone to say you kill everyone around you starting this attitude your parents betray you or they lie to you.


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