
You finished UB? On the facebook I say.

 I didn't sleep the full round. I slept later.

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When I told you things on the VERY first time, I don't know why it cannot be the first time I am telling to all of you, EVERY SINGLE TIME, at the 1st time I am saying it so. Many years pass by....you have enough or I have enough. 

To me, the American medical boards suppose to put the things not on the exams format. So it means all the girls fail, and my entire UB Facebook taller guys, all means every single one last you, including your taller whichever ex, or ex bf, or ex husband, whichever you present out the taller White Guys groups, including my brother's side. Very very tall those White caucastion. This is what you got in your girls life. One Wing.


It means a real one lifetime, thick and thin. Mean real, meaning helpful, meaning not the first min to leave the last min to sabotage. 

In the spiritual worlds, its the honesty, not the IQ doesn't understand each other's win or lose. Or one day they say its your IQ too low. From the Asian world. The boys or the man. You suppose to figure it out your own assignment, and not every different guys when they see a more thin Spanish girls or younger

Like Lance Bass TV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VM80_jwfjlE

You girls at this age passing the age 35, like I told you, you don't have one options left, not the last 10 years, not the last 16 years, not the TV inside content no matter what it is, and not the bank account inside its deficits. With one guy, you have someone to lean on, but that is given to you to rub that. I let your parents to see a certain things, because your parents will tell me, you are small tiny inside, just like that short guy's height, doing the small tiny things in the white taller guy's world with a strange name ending in the middle of no where. 

Some girls in their whole life, never gonna have one relationship, not the figure body weight, not the health if one day its the sugar this blood index diabete, and you can no more slim down the weight. I keep telling you, I Anna saying that too many times. The weight the fitness. Even if I am gaining weight, there are 4 limbs to gain all the weight methods.

A lot of the guys prefer that life is a practical or the equal agree to each other give or take. Meaning try to be Happy, Joyful, and Positive outlook. None of you have those quality, your last relationship or anyone any guy if were comment too many things from me Anna saying it, its another full reports, you will never be.

The small tiny guy, the small tiny finger nail, the small tiny gadgets he seeing those things wishing you understand the Asian culture. 

Every girls of you, short as your eye sight included how big the eye glasses behind to hide. Your ex or whomever to tell me, your one time failure of all life this one life time, its the End of Life, the End of the Judgement to us here. You are gambling those things, if you were decent enough to foster ANY guy including a black guy, if that were your only savior in life to any part of the brand new opportunity, its just how decent inside your arrogance, you will never be, or he will never becoming. It doesn't need to have a TV. It can just be a real cherish to hold.

But most of you girls I told you. Its very very very bad human no matter what. 

I just didn't ask everyone around you to sign that force each one of your to jump the floor, and that is your forever fallen. Keep that belief, how to keep ....falls.


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