
You want to ask me, 1 or several your MD psychiatrist. the psychiatrist, she lies, or she meant it ....or she probably knows?

And your therapist says? 

Why don't you ask him, if the entire American Medical Board says I am the King of King not just here, legally Prince Harry step on and Air on TV, not tearing it down, she files those statement without a lawyer, or seeing a lawyer, she only requires to talk to Judge and explain she can describe a case, but not the lawsuit, so there is no procedure, or 2) Its when the movie industry the producer, the director, their combination they file together, because..... 3) You looking for a regine or a love affair 4) Girls like you after 40 will never have a sex anymore.

Any guy only seeks for those whom lean on them as the girl. Not every mouthful jobs too much of the self glorification and arguments.

Since the development of one invention as early as the air break right immediately after its the Edison music box being popular in the upper sphere of all upper class in New York City, the newspaper replace the every new to the music box other than the air break. The horse wreck on the train railroad all the time.
That brings to their own modern time 
1928, you didn't check how far those years gone by...."To the modern time....."

When the TV invention was created, in 5 years down the road of that Micky Mouse was the American Great Depression, meaning the governmental regulation of the certain commodity must exist. the sugar and salt as part of that.

The TV is only limited to the black and white, but all these America were already democracy system same along to Europe, so being a box of that TV not every household neighbor all cramming inside someone's home exterior door to listen or to watch....other than the radio, this what you known as the public broadcasting station were starting that radio technology, and goes back to Titanic was a case, but that invention was long before that year 1912.

"To the modern time ...."

"To the modern time..... ......"

"To the modern time of .... .... ..." As the trend of the usage that increase the household to purchase a television set, the development of the city heighten with the population statues and the education must elevate after WWII, there were like 50 years down the road 1950, were our time year 2000, right now.

"To the modern time of the 21th century of 2023....soon to be 2024, we have some leaping technology for the people to hands on first expensive with their hand to interact and dynamic learning from the long distance, anywhere around the global, how this technology becoming the part of people's life. The space age upon our time....its in our daily news."

You can just take this to your psychiatrist, and re-ask.

I am sure anyone hears about this, wonder why someone would be this literally per word clear, isn't funny? He never asked you.

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