
How about we talked the original creator, the content creator, the content generating, that by the article directory you listing your article "correct keyword", ranking higher up to your personal new acquire website.

Because once you get in the Google Search Engine, these ranking algorithm, do you even know what that is? 

"How To" wiki, let's say, you have an author ground, profile like my brother small wiki classroom those. These are known as more "creditable sources" to cite in the future. May not be now.

Or you are the PC creator, or an article writer, or the reviewers

The reason you join an on-line authorship, just as be lazy as I am, don't even bother to talk to the publisher. Meaning your IT skills if you are already part of that on-line conversation, how you input these more "creditable website" to your one person authority voice, within that "author" and you telling your subscribers to go and read it, and they feedback, comments on it...those are all included. Most people don't do that.

So saying, you didn't wish to get on this inventory troubles with the publishers, including all these you hate social events, including a book reading dates, or you currently have other jobs, or tasks, or you just prefer hidden behind. You similar to what....those Warrior Forum, a 13 years boys, can write 3 column MS Word, laying out, and sell at the Paypal buttom, if you just copy paste that code, and put on the website.

You will share that revenue to the Paypal, but they are saver options. Its nicer looking too. You ever seen? Its safe transaction in America, or everywhere around.

Taiwan the on-line credit cards, no. There are scamming situation or they do something now in this entire Asia domain. You use cash better, not even the California, your cards got stolen immediately you walking out of the store. Vietanese grocery store, next by the vegetarian restaurant, sleek looking. You imagine those are secure. So bad.

In the White community, its better, they don't do that when I live in Buffalo. I go to Feel Rite, I use the credit cards all the time.

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