
I am washing my pot. Again. Do you want to do what I tell you do it?

1. You write, you miss them, you thought about them, you rehearsal speaking out loud inside your mouth, not the tears in your eyes.

2. You make a ribbons or the gift packs, or the chocolate, or the flowers, you order from the flower shop to send to them. I have no idea. They are from Ireland? Freezing cold. 

3. You do some craft like you really really like them those kinds, I have no ideas what you all doing this friendship braclet, or where to find them.

4. Write some notes, or letter, or never stopping these post cards. With the perfume, drizzling on Top like the Legally Blonde.

5. Buying the Teddy bear, wrap it with the correct ribbons or bags.

6. You send your business card with your name and your phone number, in case you don't tell them whom you are, where you are from, exactly like the lyrics !

That will be the Backstreet Boy, not the Westlife, or Boyzone No Matter What.

You cannot hate them so much to saying what words inside your mouth coming out of your soul, you have the tears inside your eyes frames, wishing the guys go and chasing behind you? That kind?

Like you wish the guys buying the flowers to you, comfering you, touch your forehead, saying Hallo first?

What I did see, or...WHEN I start to see, including that Tina Jojo....You wish the guys to know you are in the still mode, a proper talk in front of the camera, here are my family, or here is my talent, or here is work resume, here is my professional attired.

That is not One Lifetime promises, you have the eye glasses, the contacts, the t-shirt you wear on the screen, or the house white paint?


You wish to find your TARGET practices first?

a. Your Father

b. Your priest

c. Your guy or guys' friends, or the girls friend?


Or you want to add your singing talent on the tape their songs, or you want to use my NSYNC they fade out, no more showing, and there are Britney and Christina near by the Disney Club all together? 

Not me one against ALL enemy formation?


I think you girls wish the guys coming to talk to you first. I will tell you, it will NEVER happened ! Most guys are....needed the girls to back glues them, not slap their faces including the back glue them right in front, the next second are slap and a kiss, and an exit !

I will tell you, I start to having a lot of fear, every single girls around me, they just showing up, or done things in the past, and every degree burnt, and on the TV or the movie plot were their mood going up or going down. If I am a guy, I will freak it out. Their temperament are just as psycho as it sounds really.

You wish the guys to think you are professional workers

You having a great career. That is Tina Jojo. She is very proud of that.  You wish the guys to know the jobs you are having, its somewhat successful. Exactly like that Tina Jojo ever did.

How many time I repeat her name? That is not her last name?!


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