
๐Ÿฅญ Me and nick has to be separate in 2 different places. I never really required to do those sheet, I told you I cannot understand it. ๐Ÿฅญ

We don't use sheet. I never sleep in his bed? 

At the beginning. If I seen his bed, it will become a greek to me. But let's say, if I imagine I have to BTX, I will go and clean up the every floor, tape it, or mop or garbage trash taken out, anything while you staying in other people's houses. I often staying in either his house, or my mother's house or my grandmom's house, or my aunt's house. 

You didn't provide your own Personal Space too big....like if you know you can transpassing several houses property line, you might just becoming a much happier person. 

American they use the carpet. No, I don't use the vaccum machine. His wood, I have those insertion not surgery looking stuffs, he does carpentry, so the entire floor between the wood, are open. Its a cabin cottage looking. So those details I go by per wood panel per line, scoop out.

If you don't try to learn this fast, you gonna freak out very very very soon in life....really.

I am telling you the experience I have to tranpassing to nick's house, not just the BTX. I am traveling toooooooo way often with this.

You imagine you will ever get a house other than you renting with another girl, or you staying your original home, or somewhere til you finding a roommate. For any any any guy after certain age bracket. You start to forgotton your school mate. You got pouring in this reality, everyone around you have their own interest or target life, and being separate by the long distance location, most people fall off. Everyone feeling being used, being left out, has to focus on their jobs.

While you trying to squeeze your life hoping someone providing you a shelter, you will never never make it to the older people's home whomever built up that house, home, or refugee for his kids, if you don't clean up.

Nick's house, we use the basement to distill water. I do that.

His yard has weeds in the gravel the driveway, I always just clean them up.

We have a small kitchen, I will be making the food, so we can get ready to eat.

We always do the laundry together, he always climbing up or down. We have no dryer. You are a very very very slow worker with a very very bad attitude, as if everyone oweing you a face lift that kind. 

His house he purchase a car, he deal with getting a better car, meaning all by himself. I sit there watching him listening to him. We buy food together, we move those grocery in.

You will fall on those stairs...no matter what if you seeing my property before or not. 

We have this winter wood to move in= refilled at the cottage river side during 2012. He order those truck, and with his son they move to the patio, but from the patio, I will refill back to the internal fire stove places, inside a big steel open close type of big cotainer, this wood are very very heavy, you watch your finger with the glove not to wood chip inside your finger, or knock it, you scream?

You are so useless....anyone cannot see you doing what with those kunkle hurt. You cannot do a thing without screaming, or stupidity.

When the fire stove fire gone, there will be ashes, he scoop them or I scoop them, I seen them, I taken them outside where he says can dump, in the tree further side.

Periods I always one or 2 days will always change the plastic bags. 

Herbs, were my specialists, or the books, so I always getting them, he knows what I do best. Including certain products. 

So little details you having seen anyone's house, as if you introducing them.....its all the wrong imagination, you will never get in there. You don't try to make anyone's life to welcome you. You can show your cooking, one extra cleaning, a real simple recipe, with the right FDA cooking procedure.

One extra trips of buying some extra things for them, not standing there talking.

One extra cleaning all the bathroom because you watching every kid in that every floor as if your own kids. That kinds of the decency you saying you wishing them well. You didn't do anything called the guy like Nick says "Don't do that, tell them not going, we go here."

then you find your words telling that? I telling whom, the little kids.

You didn't try to fit in the above bracket. You trying to holding on an image, you were a high school student, that is what you did do.

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