
To me European and American guys on papers they are name different. But they look the same to me left and right.

I think it’s the same white guys races - I see Keanu the first stop and then Simon. 

I used to see UB, and then NSYNC.

I will tell you I am a little bit mix up. But by book, I know they are different kinds. The Gays world. I used do know so many boy bands too. They all speaking English. I didn’t listen much Chinese album. No. That Muji will be the only album Asian I ever buy. No girls. 

Technically I say I am FDA my standard. It’s American where I end up. And I told you where my background from. To EU or England have saying they are parts of the Western worlds. 

… maybe the more you soak in the water sounds different than the Asian will sound much better to the American local and somewhat Europe. In UK, University of Kentucky, the white girls next us will complain the shower curtain has hair on it. The only thing I ever ever ever appreciated, it’s the Western world are democracy to make your mouth open !

I probably won’t understand a word they are saying, originally I thought they are not home, on the World Tour then they sounds somewhat English, then I try to peek at the map I am forbidden at, they are speaking English in their own Concert not Irish language?

I got very very mix up. And when they sing, those sounds like the American worlds, then the real concerts I cannot understand a word their English face to face label in front of me. 

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