
๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ€ At your work place, you still have to work with the guys, meaning...you are literally going out to try out back glue, you cannot take it? ๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ€

And its because the guys always talking low to you? That is very very bad.

The guys when they short on the money and that math does not reach to their years ahead such as the college time, you just stay as far as long as forever possible away from them. If you make them knowing you waiting on them, or to aggrevating him to talk to you one nice sentence, I am very sure, if you find him in front of you, he talking you sweet one sentence, it will = FOREVER you should NEVER show up anymore. 

I cannot read your mind. I just telling you what I think you are doing, or you imagine to do.

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