
Most guys need to make the money to survive in life ! Not being calculative by a girl, if you don't have a steady income, what you say, your money its whom given you the right? You don't have a skill.

Those are not the skills.

I am not agree anything you coming out of your mouth. This is how I live my life the way I prefer to. Its none of your business how I decide what I see, what I think, how I feel. Things have many degree of doing it. You can just talk about it. Everyone hears it at the same time.

There is no complication for that. 

You girls have this stress mechanism

Putting anything inside your mouth on the television as the subconscious move. A chocolate, a piece of candy. You have a lot of this subconscious mechanism right on the television, I am telling you. That is whom you are, what you are, everything you are.

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