
Stablize people's character, including your own tempament. Not the foot on the table? One of those?! Your words can give people's confident so cultivate your own tone of the voice, and language skills.

You can read, you can write, you can improve somewhat your own presentation. 

I personally don't do those jobs, other than to threaten NASA to die on my Linkedin, that was last year. You can feeling to compete with Erin. She is the Ph.D nurse now with the Professor title on her resume on Linkedin.

That will be your the earliest occupation I can see. 

Tina is a flute, no, you cannot do those music with her. She had some basic high school training.

Nominji, just the way you are, or just the way I imagine, or just the way you say she was, or she says you are....one of those, I don't need to get in between. I didn't communicate anything with her since 2014. Technically anything of yours, I never touch it. I say whom faces are on the TV. Everything else, I didn't know. Never contact, never get near, never even inquire.

If you want me to help you something like the Lawsuit.

I still need you to pay some money on that. Its purely for the karmic reason, not necessary I have any reason I think I cannot do it free for you. Sometimes...try not to forgotton the Past, really. 

Because you are the worlds where there are the energy involved. That is the purest reason, nothing else. Your believer believing that and you are a religious leader, that is why. As for.....anything going beyond this point, you don't necessary have to pay anything I advertising myself these far, I handle that Flower Thousand Bones, its just because my belief its where I ought to be. I die I get done with that. I don't want to talk about it, its the money first, or I know how to get a job done first.


... ... in the future, if this is the last time, for a very very long time gonna pass in between us, you and me. This is the legacy how much you left. The legacy you used to remember. The law makers, they are fair and Justice, and so will your International Association + Taiwan Zen Buddhism sector be fair and justice. That part, you.....ever think to asking them at all?

I know what you are. The money.

Even the hate, even the jealous, even the unfair, even the tear = a memory. That one day, that memory will last not even in them, or in you. With Time.

In the Full Evolution sense, no, you don't need these memory. Its more like, when you reading that comic book, the sense how you understand that Ancient Chasez, how they brought up the entire military behind, that overal feeling. Right now, its very small tiny.

One day the future, it will not be that, on Earth you see. You understand? That Bible didn't tell you some redundant things, or Red River Manga Ending. So until that time being disclose.....its more of the embellish things you doing the minimum as you are the part of it. As for how you will really feel in that future given time....you might just reborn and forgotton all.

In the real Guys' world, they might know what that is, inside their domination world conquer and divide, but you are not close to the guy's world. Whatever it might be, or was, or will be.

Like right now you have a flag?! You seeing yourself design that flag? 

That doesn't really have a meaning in the democracy worlds today here. Its just for the Climate Change COPS 16, you rebellion or retaliation toward the authority. You always like that nature. Its a play for you. 

But there are some normal people do the normal things in life. In business, in the umbrella, that covers a lot of people's life, or the sentient being's life. Was, is, will be.

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