
The Eating Protocol (Refine sugar its a very fast blood index going up and down)

You saying I drinking milk = how to gain weight fat. That is not a solid food, its a fat.

But when you saying you gaining weight by a piece uncooked steak, pork, lambs, anything putting into those meat (flesh) categories, you mean you imagine you digest them, or as long as you swallow them, they disappear?

So liquid you never digest anything other then the body to absorb them.

I eat the noodles. In Chinese, there is a saying about the noodles. But I don't add the egg, or anything on Top other more veggie on it, recently. This morning its 66.8kg. I won't exceeding this to 7, but I need to stay at this bracket, something about this 66. ....has a meaning or what.

When I used to define an ebook base upon the food in shape = Solid, liquid, gas ....technically those are the only form can entering your body at the moment, scientifically saying. For the girl, I already repeat that gazillion times, how the kidney its to filter, and liver its to detox. The guys can vow they die on their own, but they will FOREVER EVER understand what or how disable you all becoming the new race after the certain age.

If you don't sit in the chair, like me....to get up and doing everything inside the house, including cooking, or running outside, or walking or breathing....I can come down those weight naturally without a plan, just by the weeks, without the computer I sit so tight on the chair never end this. 

Mobile, one extra push to the trash cart, check it.

Looking outside the window, or running around back and forth.

The traditional American household are big and wide, space, and breathing.

You don't really look the way you walk, or you look at things, or you go about your home chore, or your house errand, or the post mail place to pick up junks, one of those.....you are going to live that happy life, so isn't that the guys you trying to impress at them?

At least trying to be mobile, at your own head, above the shoulder line, trying to look on the camera, you actually looking at something with the eyes sight, you can seeing straight?!

And move your body to any walking path, as if these weight can come down better. Breathing, jumping, I cannot do that or I never thought I need to do that the last 20 years, its to jump?

Then do it with the thought remember you have a breast issue? 

I am sure these guys when they jumping all around on those TV screen, they will be happy there are other people living in a different reality, jumping all around just like they meant it, life how to live to be a little bit upbeat, somewhat.

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