
Within 2 years, that is ...if....your mask might be already off your face, entirely.

I never bothered to get out of the door, I am telling you.

You girls don't know what is the vaccine science, let's say America and Europe has a very high ethic methods doing this vaccine ground works. Like you reading their Dublin news, its one of them.

Do you know what you doing on purpose, and what is the vaccine program means?

It can NEVER failed 1+1=2. 

Or else, it will NEVER be the things of the Past, FOREVER. 

Like everything you never heard of the past 70 years. The day DNA was invented, called the double helix.

The reason a lot of the severe situation, are not just the fat idea. Its the temperature + fat + chronical. Every Fat people, I know that myself, your foot. You know if your foot, as a women get cold, your throat gonna feel it, my marble floor. You immediately in the next 5 second suppose to dress up the shoe, and walking the shoes indoor. That is how you suppose to take care of your health.  

The guys temperature its much higher on average. That doesn't mean they don't know what is this 4 limbs end warm up, they can still feel a little bit different. Not as much how bad the women feels. 

You cannot cut your own toe nails, you mean you wish to take care of them when they are old, or you accumulate the money til old? Let's say, their foot, if they have a hard skin. I just cut my skin for one full year. They may have, see this Niko and....tools? That is for the industry, not for the regular us using it. Tesla is an industrialist.

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