
๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’ž You girls if could finding the girls packs, whichever the look, or fix them, wishing them well included whichever future ought to be...conditionally. ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’ž

It just boiling it down, you didn't get to becoming a friend to each other, if or if with or without you, when any time or anything you mean she is a girl, you be the?? someone to talk to on the phone?

So many this blacken faces the girls, nothing but suicidal squat psycho, but you all calling each other the friends. That is the choice you rather made, if the guys could stay away, I will tell you whenever that point of the future arriving. To that Zawanna, if those condition, you all girls choosing to leave the Earth, finding the minimum money they...kinda of like Europe, I don't really know what Europe has. Something more like the society takes care of you

That choice of staying on the Earth what if it still real with the guys, the economic structure still the same? The groups of the neighborhood, country, food, club, dining out options Mc Donald or the Burger still the same?

You all girls looking this Blacken, will gamble if the Open Galaxy to those money minimum you come to this New World, and? You saying the Court "Hold Q" (Contact 1997), to that privacy inside your brain, not the Universal Police? Yeah ? The Star War police.

And you will say you getting the first ship to land there, isn't that? The Backstreet Boy, the shuttle called the immediately process paper works? Under the conditioned just like that TV says "The mental condition." using that Anna's system data to that Flower Thousand Bones, you will be cared in that near degree where your mental instability just like they sent in the Shadow materials, you don't want to make a claim such as that, to get your future going?

Preparing to? 

Since our world, the conspiracy theory groups or the medical groups or the police forces are just never good enough really here on Earth. For the money, For the One for the Money (Big Britney), your own exit....how far it is in years to your ever Vola moment with or without your parents.  Paying your way through .....how truly you claim to Earth Court,  remarkable speical, agree? 

Want Dr. Steven sign?  Whom is shadow doesn't know their own court made a verdict whom you are with what you are...where the Earth are just...so Earthly?

The entire Earth infrastructure are not done yet everything 7 billions people on?  You mean I know where I staying at, or where I imagine going forward and ending up back here? 

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