
๐Ÿฅ˜ Carrying a conversation, to the quality human you ought to be ๐Ÿฅ˜

Right? Before you opens your mouth, it already ended? 

Why is these 98 degree, they have a brand new Japanese Cartoon mask on?

On Micro biology? ๐Ÿฅ˜๐Ÿฅ˜๐Ÿฅ˜๐Ÿฅ˜

What a shame.

Want to dress up with some girls over those luxury hotel entrance, just walking in walking out? Not just the Star Bucks, I have nothing to drink.



That is the same guy's voice 


Make yourself mood better


Right now this world has an economic system over this America, to that Asia, or Europe the other side. You know how you hear about European has more establish socialism. Their college is free.

The things are, if one day that finance on the base level, meaning....as little as you can make it in life as the girls side, not to die in Hunger. Might be this world already, or another Zawanna those worlds. Meaning minimum you will have some monthly, but you know how long they live on and how much money they called it the money?

So being serene its a normal things, how to get by life leisure, they working a very very very long life.

And that definition that day, you as a girl can be hearing this video I just tell you, make your mood better, you will wear make-up no more. You want to be truly happy and New Age, and you will. Buddy together with nothing but the girls side, because you are all similar. On the weekend, to that every 7th days, you can just buddy together with the girls similar worlds, similar money, similar saving, similar background "From Earth" you saying right now your age between 20-60.

You imagine another worlds?

You saying goodbye to the guys FOREVER, you becoming what you happy most yourself right now. you can just imagine that life and started it right here right now. 

You are pressing not to, but you will be.




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