
๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿฅ— Continue on your Homework to NASA ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿฅ—

Westlife - Shadow (2016)


You want to label down the per degree words.

1. What is the light looks like to you, describe you seeing. Red, yellow, mild, warm.

2. Do you ever touch a hot iron pod or pan

Why these sensation are the most immediately effect onto your physical body, like immediately seen, feel, aware, or warning?


a. Temperature

b. Pressure

c. Volumn is what having a temperature or pressure. Such as? A balloon you pouring the water in it, and weight on yourself, that is a volume idea or? Its the water weight idea?


Define that 3 clearly. I don't think you seeing anything why we keep repeating, and re-word, re-phrase, re-saying it, per degree exactly the same definition in those Ideal Gas Laws.

Or the Ideal Gas equation. 

You want to say it in your own words, if you have to lecture to a groups of the people such as the Westlife behind company, they might finding the real human whom having a vocabulary, in case none of this making any sense?

You go there to pitch, or I sit over here I have my own jobs.



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