
I am checking all this celebrity networth !


How you worth, its how much income you are or I imagined???? What is that means? They got paid? Not in the jail I imagined. That is one of the things, you and your body guards to discuss over, how you all married to your own body guards? 

Last time I seen the scene everywhere in front of my faces? Everyone got a job to go, one of those? 

Although I say about the upper world, they are super aggressive, and those nature on the monitization even if you gone to jail? I just really think you shouldn't go to jail as I am so timid human forever...like that.

You all ever finding it out why Britney did that? My personality its very timid type, don't really going on this what the world say, vola, so you bring these Corperation methods to threaten people included as a job. One of those. My entire floor nothing but pieces of the paper to pick up to when the God says my money here I have.

One of those tiny bit the religious tendency this world offers some goodness? As the very very normal family household? 

Which part of the picture inside my picture frames didn't look like I insist saying that, try not to go to jail, no matter what? 

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