
I don't actually know the ending results to those Zawanna human world values, for...how big or grand anything until we really arrive that junction and be at there so to know.

For the money reason, I never stop saying it.

Even if you go to jail, your eye don't stop looking at that nature to survive, and focus in life? I am not sure that is their world belief, or some worlds believing in it. You learn your mistakes. 

The way you talk, you sure, you aim at the life right?

Because our world its very freedom given as long as you doing your homeworks, that behind you show up at this local clerk offices, how you dealing upon your privacy how you set up your business later at the Bank. You going through all this channel will be all privacy protected at the government including at the Bank.

So with the competition saying, how you driven to that legal statue, and resourceful reason where you aim at your business attired, or career, or somehow the freelance at the Youtube territory.

I used to tell you how that Eben Pagan end up on the Youtube niche. That time he was selling his DVD, later he segment a lot of this small clips, to spread out his channel all about. I didn't see the entire DVD. But my time only allow small mins to really watching it.

Meaning I know the process myself. The beginning of all this 2004 started. Same that one guy I told you EF Sammy. Many of us, the people at this bracket has an internet that called www. Meaning that is none-conventional. You know what none-conventional means?

Whichever the old do not participate the conversation, its at their happy world bracket with their existing beliefs, someone else all quiet behind, because Youtube given that niche and methods all behind lock up. You see that channel, you see what is given out the materials, your audience like it, you will rising to the Top.

Like one of those the ASMR.

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