
Now I gonna tell you 商鞅 and 妲己 its FOREVER eternal NEVER landing at China. No.

And you yourself a name 妲己 it will be ETERNAL never be anywhere place in any world. Because you are a women. If that piece of the court paper its you at faults, its EVERYONE knows it. In the Entire China, that is how you and your sister are known to the full history between the ghost and modern. 

You want me to call Ronan, I usually have time, I calling them any time in my full day running up, all this details, before any of them show up. I sometimes just update the public, so I saying something in the public still occasionally and with their name showing up more and more.

I have a plan, correct.

I tell the public. I have a several issues, 10 full long years issues. Because the first year I met your Simon, I never saying it fully my ability heighten to see everything including the URL.

Are you 2 the true love? True. with your sister.

Can they stand in court? You can. With your sister.

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