
SMCH has this OU language, you seeing how it got from? So...Venus has 4 planets on our Taiwan map, you seeing below at the book store. Mars, is one planet, whichever that story was told

I never say the Harry Potter, you all don't seeing here you go...the sorting the House means.

But assuming, not everything has to be a negative pause, or how the realistic, you love the TV or the movie to dream a bit. At least trying to be practical and less be comedian about it. Someone supporting the entrance, not necessary how long it forever lasting the futuristic saying....every land, every world, every literacy, every cherish to hold, you mean you real, or you mean that the Day You Found Out? 

Yeah, I donate money to police, its one way I will be notifying them I exist and with things. The boyband they just have more set up, its between our life, however we talk about it.  

The American military, they didn't tell me they gonna repent or stagment, which neither one, their American Congress can arrange a lot of things under that premise, they had a God belief. And that Shiva idea didn't end up badly or the negative term, whichever that means. So is the money, so is the mountain fold, the water river stream are just the constant nature that God grant existing phenomenon. "Change is the only constant in life." 

They are like what, 20 years serving, or 5 years imagine.....evolution, but at least they had try for the good reason. 

The law or the local dummy.  They usually just believing it, they die to their own country flag. So these money are not entirely mine.  I didn't have to keep re-stated, anything why I built up 194 countries the industry with things behind saying there is Babaji exist, or one of the God shows up and saying exist. You just need...one name.

That land its God exists forever.  Just to hear about it, things do exist. 

Instead of worrying mine life....because normally people very negatively about 20 years, to 30 years....on going the same life, unless this, or unless that. 

To that being monitor and shown those face on TV, and you still insist you didn't get monitor per act, thought, deed, do , will....so then, the Day You Found Out, you didn't really spend the correct time, and right concept....really til that Day shows up.  

Imagine, what I really meant it to say.  You really wished, you didn't regret on that future, its with the Eternity in it.

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