
Why don't you also celebrate all these Youth...I don't know whom they are. And with this SMCH ought to be telling ....where is this Successor or Representative, not sure in English word they say

The business sector included.

I don't have any group, for saying why I have a feeling seeing how she makes her own decision. She always shows how she designs something to sell? Those are not the real works you make the money with. That is fake.

But Because I have to really make the real money, a lot of this things I am seeing....you never imagine to build up something from the ground up, or I was saying step by step. A lot of people can just imagine things to breath on air, and keep steady how to make the money.

That is not the true reality, you living long enough, you sure...about a lot of the gravity inside your own head? If not saying karma? 

I personally don't know what China is saying. Unless they all know what they are saying?

So I am exciting for them, happy for the guy or whom the bundle she gonna train them every new SMTV? I didn't see any after 2014 or 2015? 

She grown to be very cylindrical, its everyone does to her done to her. That is her language. Right now if they are ready to put the youth on their own SMTV, this is not the year, you all dealing this movie Hunger Game and Catching Fire?

Combine the Beas? Combine whom else?

I clap clap clap clap clap for you all? 

I didn't get any group people, the birds and the otters they are not the groups. I don't own them. So only...I clap clap clap. 

But I haven't heard anything. Is there a reason I will be jealous of you type? Any English speaking capacity? 

Taiwan is small tiny ...those rumors if you put on the television its gonna spread fast. 

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