
I think ... ? You want to ask me what I think about this UB on the TV...I think?

... It may not target at me. Its their witness program assignment when they get in there, they will receive those assignments, and learn about "Rich kids", "Poor kids" probably not.


"High Priest happened to be Raw."

He Zawanna is an educator. Do you know what that is? Like that Twlight next by Blake? Saying to me out loud, there is a Zawanna? All my vision? That is why I stay for them UB tiny bit, because .....sometimes in the real sense of the entire Earth, no one will EVER put up these much of the garbage to educate them for only their very very selfish interests.

But what I didn't know that time. It was all these might be real, its all set.

Let's say 10 years ago, I was not told. This Ola and Tamang went to step the line, so the Classify went to get asked, or asking ET, because the court will find out, how come like this and that and this and that. My face is not in it.

I tell you, I think its their each individual all around, a facebook friend, a classmate, an outting activities other than UB, they have a witness account. I never left UB, remember? I always staying in the UB extra-curriculum, or near by VA hospital at that UB south campus. I am not too sure that is what it is. When you trying to vola, and clientale your facebook, you will hit one of those stranger.

Frozen says: Strangers.

I never really met a stranger. Not the professional workers, I never went out to work.

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