
Part 14 - I don't think you SMCH had any real genuine relationship at all from the past.

Meaning, if two people relationship, 1 year pass, 2 year pass...to 5 years pass, to 8 years pass...someone with a head will tell you why that was to build up sounds like a real things until we fall apart? And which reason I imagine that is?

So if I knew that in my life....I don't assume if in the mist of that 1 and half year, me and which guy we will have one issue, it will probably starting on the first week, or the first month. If I Anna personally laying out the entire nick and I used to live a life.....I thought I was very genuinely says, that was a family life, for real living together, not to imagine 30 years down the road, someone betray someone else, you mean those TV ex wife, in the end the revenge games?

I highly doubts someone knew about a loooooooong life to where why a guy wants to swap a women, if not your 

1. Tone of voice forever wrong.

2. Lower your attitude as a women, not the girl anymore. Wrinkle or in debts. Were in debts before you becoming anything? That must be a Truth about who you were?

3. Don't pretend you know what you talking about it, unless you really know?

4. Try to be more self-sufficient in your real career, you don't have a career anymore.

5. You intend to have a precept God believe, I say I NEVER asking you one precept, how amazing, someone like me saying all that loud to the entire world, to when you and the rest of your perfect buddies will all end up?

When someone like me saying so clearly, I really don't care about it the hell with it, I meant real. Not in thinking, not in knowing, not in discussing it at all. See how that ever valuable in someone's life forever mean true.

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