
I don't really know Adam's dad or Hailey's dad their age to say MD how long. But they talking to each other, listening the Chinese with the meaning? Along their side to the missionary?

They sit at? Maryland, San Franscico, I am in Taiwan. 3 of us, looking at the video, looking at them?  They know what it means, or I know what it means, out of my face, out of their faces? 

So 3 of us on the VERY long straight ahead line horizontal on the map. A long table.

No one talks. I Anna start to talk, I am the youngest saying "5 Lords Review" over this matter I done that 2016 from the food offering to Jan 2017. There is a punishment you keep your arm. Not about Adam, not about Hailey? Its about my cousin Irene's brother at the last frames.  That is 3 microphone on the long table. I am the youngest, so I saying that on the microphone.   

You want to imagine a correct thing?

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