
I personally already told you all UB side ....you have NEVER seen more than that Lauren Silverman high school sleeping the gym sees the population combine other than that vocational house how that Simon putting her on that day that morning.....sad.


None of you have seen a real law uniform for staring at them TOO long, or EVERY SINGLE DAY to sound like...less the human Samsara to deliver the sentient being, at least the harsh punishment were that EVERY law jurisdiction!  

"This is not free"

"This is not like that."

"But I understand what it really says. I am. "

Ask me What do I do see?

"That is called a trial."

At least someone has to show it to me every second if my attention span WAS NOT the lover's eye every aspect in my life to praying to Lords or the GOD, that was a fantasy or a belief....really. Someone like him. 

Tell me

The content of the liability and responsibility to this video intended to say? 

For all your life its 1) A analysis report or 2) how do response if were you him him him,

Mine including a Judge seat myself.

Start writing, you are so capable to take that exam what you coming out of your brain if not the split second its every money present you, you spent your brain hours to imagine....a correct answer.

Like ......

"Like I myself upon the first seen of the first photo of the first trial on Live show the first of everything in degree of ...just showing it up without a draft. Its an online service, it was not prepared to draft for saying.....the liability or the responsibility whom I am reporting to, other to that myself if were up there, for....too many of this drama I personally handle the statement all by myself its without the Staffs, such as those 3 on the table, I were to re-write their every statement as if that was a Test or an Analysis report" 

(Looking side by)

I am not sure whom these people are, the future potential, unless more information are reveals. Not at my current age, if some photo.....

Too caring enough.  How everything looks like suicidal to me.

"To the second points I want to bring about the scene to using a tablet in the court to that crowd were probably forbidden at this modern age right now. Its paper deliver speaking to the Judge. I myself its mute. I don't talk. Not the strength to my nose I have a lot of the physical body stigma for saying words, the breast are too heavy for me included. But let's say the law proceeding nature its afterwards me any my lawyer recess to talk about, its after longer time, I remember why I think that is, or I can require a handicap "computer" typing device without the internet. .....that is one thing maybe related to the court trial. I can type with my 2 both hands, not as easy to saying it with the words through the brain wiring process. So in that showing to the lawyer, as the real Court room hearing, like I myself team up, to against v.s.....

Its that I understood and shown to my lawyer how we change that decision making its solely on my will at that given moment. I am not told by the defendant what the argument to present to the Judge, so that is....if the first condition to met, then the second my own paid lawyer, private or the public lawyer be reactive to my statement that time, that day, that hour, that moment. 

How i define the case, or 'leading that conversation to my own benefits.' so that the disable nature were later not saying, it was already shown on the public Television inside the intercom....small tiny.


Because no one can see, its too far away........ meaning they wish to be on the Television or the public hearing all the time. The real citizen hearing, or the UFO congress hearing, or almost telling me, that is the military trial, or the local trial on the citizen me. I am only a citizen. I am not sure my father made it up, or I made it up....that that that that that. Not sure. Not at this moment.  "

Usually the court room, meaning you bring someone in like the family relative. 

...I didn't lie. My father might. They are all ending up disable, I am not sure why my entire family born statue or he ending up in the jail the First Day I was born. That is from Taiwan or from America.

One of those.

Maybe Nicky at the moment or Kian. Probably Nicky, Shane currently he is on tour or on the business sector, he himself cannot be the stunt, the rest of them "not sure". But you can say that is the same Nicky, true.

No, I go by the real situation how me and Shane ending up talking....at the current, and I forget her hair is variable says. uh, I am not sure. I ask them if which one of them after they analyze needs or wish to show up there. I didn't do anything, I don't know why I am on a trial?

There is a reason I am saying that.

... ... If my father lies

... If the Bible or the classified material lies or not lied.

I cannot be present with that hammer at the moment til when or the year the court has to find out before I can move. I am at the NASA the moment book.

All your intention to kill because overweight + the eyeing on that commodity pining. I think that is what it is. Its too shameful also, to be vivid being screaming at, or talking it down, or almost every step the way you cannot breath, and therefore....I already meant I say, they meant they find out. I understand all that.

The Bank statues I can quote at this time to barring down that difference bracket. They might already have the cases or the Law Reinforcement would have suggest the first place, I myself cannot stop saying that. I am the one ensure or wish to pay the service all those security be done. 

I think they already done so. I have a brain. I don't need any of that. Their debts might be just so escalating worsen since 2018. I guess I am becoming aware of that.

Shut up, birds.

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