
๐Ÿฅƒ๐Ÿ’ฅ I personally will tell you, I am still on that exhuasting mode never end since 2014. Really. I don't even know how they could get that much materials on the Television and ....๐Ÿฅƒ๐Ÿ’ฅ

Ending up I am looking at the bliblical Bible where I am, where I see.

You could just say that Sword in the Bible if were reference to our time....you write about it. You could say, its not a very decent things to drag other people's religion inside this End of the Bible for saying, there are several sword being seen on the TV, but that one particular mention of the sword in the Bible, were meant the 2 hands typing on the keyboard, making a legal argument to the democracy world, that is Anna's claim. Its the democracy world forever, and we don't agree to it. 

So you make yourself claim.

She just meant, regardless you all UB claims or the democracy world claim = she claims forever true, its that find someone to substitute the TV position how to get going with 2 hands none stop typing on the keyword, that is what Anna did like BTX, but they say that is a carving wall, not sure which one sounds worse, because she literally seeing herself spit the blood twice. One is Flower Thousand Bone, one is at Tina and her male cousin, the youngest guy. She doesn't think she does that for a living...but she tends to believe that for so long 10 years pass....nothing has changed, her 2 keyboard, when one things close (BTx), its another door opens (X Man Apocalypse and Future and Past). She probably, as I myself words to describe, the least drama, dramatize things over any statement or TV scene. She just describing them 10 out of 1 million, and she is so used to believing that the literal word she uses were "The Earth without the patents its the breaking ground of every 5 mins." you could literally breath on that ! That is what she was shown and said in 2018-2020 over that Yogananada page or Sariputra's website. 

However she labels all that, its not a normal thing to keep seeing she spitting the blood on the TV, til when someone get tired, never describe that anymore, 1: 1,000,000 degree.

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