
Its the penny spent that bothers you, its Zawanna makes a point bothers you or Nicky, being....disturbed a mindfulness...right? Its right on the OU.

How is it...that bind together the 4, one day, one of you will first die. Yeah?

Any priest near by now Shane require to fetch, yeah?

haha....hi Mark !!!? We always not every day talk, how are you doing today? Let's see...you want to know something, or I intend require to know anything, Nicky, what's your night any outting, food? 

Ronan, that is Boyzone Gately all around? Yeah~~ used to be the boys, now to be the guys, and TV wife, how you are all doing? What a big gathering room, for one Ashame, or Shameful, or red faces or Shane?

Now....my words its against his words, why bother listening, right? So...here I say....my self explainatory idea, how these leadership and entire group makes a perfect, but one day, one of you will die, that stress its on Shane constantly, he doesn't know when he will be dead.

So its each Group leadership, so its each of you coming in, were you the investors, were you the hidden, were you the company all around, were you family father putting next by, were your uncle group, committee, you all knowing each other and Trust each other, so when I say....everyone is 1000 eyes around them, meaning 100 people including the family, relative, friends, important Westlife Part-time, Full-time....tell me what I Anna knows?

Any TV wife, kids, grown up teens, girlfriend to the grandson, what is your name? Ronan's...baby girl, sorry, Jack? Jackson? I cannot understand a word all these news meant. So that is a group exercise question tell me....all together fighting one cause but you yourself in it the story, the most important idea would be?

The most important question, you have 5 second ....

What coming out of your brain instantly? Want to guess?

I have no staffs......

That is not what I say, or I suppose to imagine what shall you all say?  

The ending of Karen they are?



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