
Movie file related cases, are there people sueing the movies industry since 1928?

... What, you want to change your argument or the argument grounds, not to be that subjective view only? 

Yeah they have. Most society can just quote that Scientology Dianetic the original copy the first few pages written. Something in that nature.

First I don't have illusion - its a private matter, you have no way knowing that internal side.

Second, you wasting your time for something bigger in an industry + cover up the whole sphere if the you gain the government agree to go on the rudimentary subjects, like you tell them free information like 10 subjects, and just opening up the mouth to every details how to analyze a report, I laugh at it. Not I lie about it. 

Yeah...you aim at something other than wasting your time. They have the compensation. The legal court they have.

How does the psychology people, psychiatry people evaluate a people's mind? 

You mean my mind, or all this far how much else you gain if you file on yourself to those charging fee, you wish to ask them some personal opinions that stuffs?  People have. They file at the court, correct. Since 1928. You validate per UB commons ID dining card photo. That is your same Identification photo ID to the facebook in my account that is the facebook knows it. The government they do those conducting methods + my military orientation table, that side by side per image saying, per tree label, per wing, per degree English I "testify", that is what I see.

I am not sure what I see in Canada the pink hair, but I am very sure I seeing it from the painting. I see the Taiwan all this location + the rabbit palace, to even taken both my mother and my father, 2 human standing there, I pointing at them. Seeing their faces, seeing myself not psycho?

I doing extremely things to say I am living in my reality.

For real. True. Its side by side the photo image + ID identification best. Its all the UB, they take care of. Everything else my ability claim, its also statement by statement, words per line, checking facts. If they cannot find, they wait a few years, that words they statement will pop up to what I used to say or see. Or AT that moment, someone knew exactly the same meaning just I Anna personally cannot know what that is.

Its true on the authority side and worsen.

Its not to harm me, its just a lot WORSEN. 

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