
No, I didn't communicate any other group leader, you mean...all of them? No. I have no instagram, long time ago, I told Shane that already.

Strange, it was his Westlife song he didn't know why I show up in front of him, so of course I am talking to Shane. If I knew he makes it all up stuffs, I wouldn't just go and talking to him? I am not sure all of it, but I think some parts of it. He is that kinds of the character.

They are all like that. The individual artist.

So if he concluded, he might tell the other group leadership. But we didn't talk about them. I will tell you, to be honest, I still don't know what we are talking about really.  Every morning I cannot wait to get back my job I told Shane. One day is Brian, another day is Nicky, you mean Shane, did I ever tell you, there are 2 people in my family you doing that on purpose!

I don't care about it. When you show up talking you explain yourself. I have too many things on my mind. 

Not really, I don't care about it. They do business, these guys so they are one of those twist and turn guys making their business if some of them might have background, you are talking about 25 years later, they are not in the college mode anymore.

What the business human trying to inche their way in, WITH the entire garbage they collect behind, the any boy groups, not just the boy bands. That is what the GUYS they do best with their time, and networking.

I just tell you the Truth, I still don't know what we are talking about it, really.

"Good morning Shane."

"Good morning Kian, where is Nicky?"

"Good morning ~~~ what is it?"

"I am sleepy, we talk after you get up, go to bed. Good night."

What do you expect the talking might sound right? 

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