
They always doing things = I have no money, so I have to deliver every jobs...that is what they make themselves God, not Shane, really.

They are like that. 

Well, all these boybands they have to come to term, because some might have some charity, or what things they going in the band, I always thought its the main singer. They are the celebrity loves the profanity in their country life.

I have to maid in Washington D. C. til when I seeing the sunlight day time. Every street every blocks what they built things in there. They don't think that is something wrong here in Taiwan, or they do on purpose for me to see it?  I always got confused, it the human right they say, or the ....Lake house movie telling me the Truth.

Show me the meaning how to be lonely? Every street blocks of the road, design, store name, or things in it? And becoming?

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