
You girls want to dream about the guys, or still on every mistakes being done in the Past Anna says for the new venture, meaning next 5 to 10 years, to 15 years. Because it may not be the next 1 day 1 month to 3 months. So saying even 1 years

To 3 years, or you imagine 5 to 10 years, what kind of the relationship.....you hope you will delicate yourself in finding love

That is part of your personality, or you ever thought about it?  Meaning if I ask you some questions, you have the most intuitive answer. How do you go about this 10 to 15 years, if you saying next 3 months, you just open an E-harmony similar website learn about it? Put yourself out there?

Your plan in thinking its in 10-15 years life, you won't give up your love life, so explain to me, how do you plan that, exactly? No one seeing you, no social gathering to your work ethic places, or you mean on-line dating service, so you mean 3 months, you didn't mean 10-15 years?!

Like I wonder each stop they make in the Asia tour,

How much they make on the concert money and relative sale on everything else?



They got an website ! Its they are still making money since 25 years ago, as if that is a job on their own. That is not unsure. They talking like they are stable. They earn something, they plan something with their Westlife Life.

Not Shane Filan Facebook?! And yesterday Friday Night it was mid-night I go to sleep. You have some human want to tell me...where you will be the soon immediately Friday night, because someone message you, how much that lawsuit might costs. Is that your parents, or Wing? One of those right in the middle of the American Map.


When some people making money on their own, Westlife look like they themselves talking normal on the interview ? Just earlier post, when they grow older than the 25 years ago video?

So Anna for the last 2 months since the NASA gravity, you didn't hear the first time, since Oct 2022, by then you already knew my personality, I went onto Linkedin at Lee and Dean's front....to talk to NASA. 

And I have all this MD re-write scenario before this year Feb. What happened after Feb on? This year? Really, I don't even know myself.

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