
You want to imagine a piano accompanist job, like you are the military or Black Ops? Me next by its the music teacher, every single guy in the morning going to the bathroom, its not Mrs King !!! Chemistry, Michael?

That is your American high school, the toiletry pass? You ask the Teacher to go? 

Ireland they are Irish just happened TO LOOK LIKE you all WHITE people? Did I say, there are some garbage human from Europe? Ku is American, so those are all American you looking at and imagine? 

They already not they used to !!!



You want an entire full process how to barren land outside that NASA says, or Black Ops meant? Where are all these classified materials coming in? The music band, or the music album sale, its a commercial meaning !!! Not the romance meaning ~~~! 

What their business are, its these keywords such as TV, TV broadcasting, Satellite broadcasting, the public media, the public announcement.....

Tell me, where is my categories are none of that, but the music will be under one of the categories in the 10 break down chart.  They have to do a lot of the advertising, advertisement. And they are all individual artist after they break apart ...you talking about a lot of the details I do not know. 

When you participating enough the groups activities, starting the grade school, middle school, the high school, to the college, you will have a sense of the co-ed feeling whom are the characters are pushing things through?  You never observing enough, or you never have your eye glasses on to see whom they are coming near? 


I would not cut onion that way ...really.

You gonna poke your own hand, your eyes cannot see the pungent those odor out of the onion right through your nose and your eyes.

uh, no, not like that, I doing things !

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