
You want to sue your Master?

Learning about the Lawsuit or learning about your American democracy can ever do/

You need to tell the public as you doing that.

You stating that is "for that reason you suing the International Ma'am Ching Hai Association Members and Supreme Master Ching Hai, for all the followers supporting costs of that money its not distribution other than Shakymuni Buddha, this time would be Anna insisting a Huge ceiling debts over all of their head, unless things deliver, and none of that I got benefits, and Mongolian got cut in half. Does Taiwan insert people in myself including the security. If you give me back all what supposes to compensate, I will donate some part of that money to the Taiwan Police."


Its better you tell the public, they don't agree with you, but...they can help you, seriously. Not hidden behind no one knows exactly what you claim, and later the public found out you got jailed, whichever you imagine you claim, you could just talk to me, or Shane, or your Master.  

You say, "The poor organization of this International association were not very organized, in terms of the world are fading out the religion, no one telling us so, other than Anna. She insists we finding out there is no power, not in the religion sector, both me and Hailey. But some influence of the future, or including some congregation might meet that guidelines, for any reason just like the filling the paper works, its best Anna advice you and Hailey don't go and buddy together to imagine you are the types of the girls with some money can last til what ends. Anna saying all that to the public. There might situation, but none of us got told, Anna say its safer you do this way. Not to trigger the older generation they are not dying it out yet.    "

You can state it facts

"The TV frame inside I found out those are the real event breach the security of everyone else's life including I myself got invited in every events. I prefer not to participate those events, and I need to be compensated to every activities I being film on the TV, in whichever reason that damaged to me, and any other people coming to me in the future. That is I Ching local frame Anna sometimes talked about it. They are seeing the identical a story plot in her talking about somewhere else. The name, the face, the true events of someone dead included. "

"I am not happy with these guys, not the groups, not the white worlds guys. Sometimes my liking to the girls or the guys still inside my decision. I got told certain things on the TV, that is entirely they are guessing at it or some of that are my privacy now or the future....soon like that Middletoon. Did she get what she wants? Westlife TV? 

So can I stated what I want in my personal liking? 

I am not personally feeling good with any of these guys air in any of the old age coming, or their body shape changing, I am not sure about their money statues including that Simon Cowell and Lauren Silverman. None of that looking right for me. I am personally feeling very insecure, not feeling well, very conscious about the guys looking at me, the public think of me, the fan imagine me, or the SMCH her disciples placing upon the values that damage me and my family, and they set a comparison right on the television performing art between me and Anna, me and Hailey, or Hallie. I didn't want to participate in any of that situation, but I did put up some works. "

"I will insist the public not to tempting on my personal life, including how many ex, or bf, or husband to explain to any of this past or present boyband they are standing in front of Anna as if standing in front me. I am a girl. I personally are small tiny. True. I cannot take any of that. I need a certain parimeter of whom I am that image being perceived, and none of these guys or presentation for me to EVEN think of the future one possibility of being together, I can just say No to all them right now. Not one I wish to in contact, in seeing, in witness, in court, in paper file-ing, in Kitchen utensil, other than you compensate all my money including if you found out any of this boyband owing me money, I have no idea exactly what these real stories its either the back end American classified, or they invent it themselves. I heard a lot of the story. Some parts from Anna, some from everyone else around me. She apparently only rely on her thinking, I am not too sure all of that. But I guess.....some validity I intend to file the lawsuit here, means I intend the money coming in in my favor talks. That is what I am. I wish you could compensate my money will be the highest priority. "

" I think....Anna somewhere talking to her sides of the girls including Lalla...she says certain things, I did note it down, but I am not sure what it is. She says, its everyone involved to that side by stories, not in that way, but in the compensation way, it more than they should have done, to almost nearly everyone got screw over their life in the privacy to aim for a certain higher value in life. Anna says No. She gives the boyband the same decree and sign documents. They can just get a girl every Friday night Ginny and Dean, and licking each other to die, not the 1 PhD or 2 Master+1 balchalor their GPA, for some future reasons. Anna says, we can chose to die in horror if we want to, someone will watch us, but most of us does not require to go upper the evolution scale including the System dating or System recording or System manipulating, she says that is 500 years down, it will not be right now interfering our free will, why we must staring at the 4 points frames. She is using a different way saying no magic practice its the 4 points frames stabilize ink inside your corneal, but none of that will be our world acknowledge. I think My Master insist that is a practice with no magic allows, not the character being forceful stabilized. I object to all of that. "

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