
Anatomy 2 - if you like the New Age, if you like the neuro linguistic, if you like the farmer's market, if you like if you like if you like....anything but the Lionel Luthor's those building, you could just go on your way, like...if Nicky they are not here, I still make my happy world, I watch where I go about in life.

I keep a communication opens. I know where I go, and see the things in front of me. And I make a daily fish net harvest from the sea, that is a parable story in the Bible, describing to you per day earning something about the fishman, and Jesus makes you a better man? But the exact words are probably "fishman", the overal its at the sea shore. The real Bible. The real thing saying on the history, I heard it from SMCH.

It might sound funny, because....you might think people drink to die. 

No ...I keep feeding you to drinks, you just got hydrated more per cell count weight. Your entire GI track, how they were designed to assimilate the digested food, those are the solid. Sometimes if you have a busy day, you prefer a salad, and a quick meal, because you don't want to sleep at night, and too full, any night like that?

Right, that is the logic behind. You didn't go on that route too much, so if you starting a more less food in that internal time of the 3 time intake the food per day, you start to get cold hands, cold feet, scared, and someone calling you, you feel dying, and you need to chew a food, your friendship or your confident at the alert level.

Technically if you didn't eat that day, no, you won't die. You feel like, but no. You keep drinking the water when you are thirst, right? Not even if you don't drink that day, most likely, you really just drink some stuffs, a pop drink or a coke, something, to brighten up your day.

You didn't have to get nervous if one meal got skip over, or you saying you drink enough water, and the kids beverage drink in the brunch time, and you eat at 2 oclock. A lot of your parents take you kids to the school, and sometimes they don't eat until 1 or 2 olcock. You think there is something happening to them? No. 

Sometimes you just get a toast in your mouth, again. There is enough energy in one toast.

Anatomy - is GI track part of the Anatomy.

No. Its a structure, but that is not the bones. You have to tell me why you listen to what I say, and why that has anything to do with the boxing, the external force of hitting. Your organ does not????!

If you just worry about your thirst and hungry, meaning that is a 1) thirst response and 2) the Hunger response, we talk about it the Hunger Game, you starting with the word "the hunger response". 

Why? Your glands excrete something ..your become anxious, that school bell, what are those in America, we use the bell sound in Asia, we have 10 mins break. Or when you seeing your watch to go to the lunch?! You don't remember your middle school textbook in the biology? The very very basic thing on those words they used to tell you about....your health?

Maybe in America, those are the health class.

The secretion of the sweat, like if you got the food poison, or me poo because...if you don't poo, tell me, how do you lose weight, seriously?

... .. I know these would be the most dull part of the words I say since "Anatomy" line below. Those are the elementary or the middle school class. Correct. Maybe your college textbook don't taught you anything like that anymore. I didn't take the real biology in UB, really.

I used to work on myself, I didn't have to explain to you what I think, my own my own. The urination its a excretion out of your body?! Not the soul out of your body. But because by theory, they say that in the middle school health class textbook. When I face myself alone, those doing, it was a real understanding what the secretion and excretion feeling like. Because the sweat? Its part of the secretion to excreted out. You have only 3 forms waste out of your body, you saying mainly that is the ONLY way to lose weight by the liquid methods. 1) Urine 2) Tear, 3) Sweat. You don't have any other forms.

Poo is not one of them. No.

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