
You know "one of us" have to make money, you ever heard those saying in the real life term? In the movie.

Sometimes things are just like that. Try again, the anatomy parts with your the body weight, or the fluid count. What do I say the per cell counting methods? Why don't you say per tissue, or per muscle saying? or the organ per?

You only have how many organs seriously inside one human body parts?


"Hear my favorite song", is that the lyrics? And your brain first assimilate that lyrics by hearing or by eye sight seeing? So...is that a neuro response through the brain you have a memory you have heard this song in the past at the coffee shop, not just your Itune day in day out?

About 4 or 5 years ago, I say do something for your brother's age...it was not starting in 2014, it was that 2018. Really....

I used to have this CD album.

Its what you saying the Star light. Your subjective views are nothing but about you, you, you, really.....


In the classic world those crack nuckets....there is a ballet.

"The end didn't have to say so sad....so I make a circle like no one hears about it ....."


When Snape and Harry Potter has a scene. That is Sirus. 

Its a fire place. You wonder whenever people remember the classic story after the black hair to one day forgotton the past, so there is a blonde hair. Then if someone had asked me that why many people watching the theater since 1900, the most majority its in the sad scale of their mood, or the life seeing, or...they just prefer the sadness.

In Sailor Moon, the Ancient Chasez burn a fire letter in his hand....

A lot of your ages people, won't sympathize your year after year, looking down upon you, or spit at you, or they going on their romance life, or saying per degree just really one Anatomy Class, trying to negotiate something a little better useful in the middle school, not to feel ashame to talk about it.   It was only the middle school.

You ruin your life, you ruin your parents life, you ruin your friends life. Maybe your parents don't know, maybe you just move over this district away from that world, so your parents won't get hurt. And someone....no matter understands that, it was that the same witness program, someone never judge you upon, it was not our first every meeting someone never judge me.

Remember all that?

Your own very Bible.

Try again - Anatomy, the first line would be, the study of what ....?

You have one human body in front of you. All you can see its the human, not the wolf packs. The human face, the skull inside, the neck, the hair, you define all that you can recognize, but inside, you learning about the flesh, bone, blood. Those are the words Anna use, not your textbook define that through the movies. She makes up all that saying.

Correct. I watching the movie, these last 10 years, "Where I been."

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