
I always in the meeting and the clubs event very often in my entire life, I think.

Having the meeting, or the discussion, then later coming to America, they have more encouragement, you doing everything else other than the textbook. I think...or the school design I got too tired, I live in Student Union (SU), so their meeting hour just one side, then you go to work, then you go to class, then you go to eat something and paying attention to their bulletin board. 

Because one of these student activities, you can see whom reserve those room. The one got the piano, sometimes its the blood drive, sometimes its something else. Now this Zawanna or Thor looking, they transpassing the building, those real life, I tell you, you need to imagine the ID card how to get in the building. They didn't show you the ID. I just told you, the ID card.

Later you will find out the home business groups.

The home school, the hermit, the Amish. 

The APO has, no, not CAC. We have the meeting, the club meeting not the agenda meeting. Jonathon he has the tournament. Some people are more serious player, they go to the real event location in the National. They are the player, they are not the committee. 

I think Zawanna their race evolve to their age, meaning having a family experience background + the real work load invovled + you yourself living in one sleek apartment, or the friends over, the social gathering.

Those meeting....whom?

I think if you becoming more independent, a project. He does things in his real work site. That is the investigation by projects. 

The student activities give you an incentive, = you have a court room case. If you get enough the financier, you can go near somewhere this area to get 5000 survey down, then 1 time 2 time 3 times, total in 15,000 signature or the survey. That is one type of you saying the all of you more cared to pitch in those the overal school idea.

Zawanna they are the professional. You don't know what is the professional people does the professional jobs? A professor how does going on the evolutionary biology field trips, you are all missing, only me and Vince shows up with the Dr. Fourner? 

We have at least 200 people or 250 people.

You care about its the political activism. The advocacy....you all girls need to opening up your happy life = talking over and convincing people life. 

Mine is a science real job. 

There is a formulating a thesis, a cause, a reason, a brain used....how do you having this situation and solve it? Its a problem solving or whichever what things he was doing the Earth preservation. Meaning he found something under the tree or the forest, or the heritage door outside. Whichever these....observing the facts such as the sunset does not set on the West, its rising from the East?

So...he derived a few points how these individual planets, or the habitat having a....?!!

The combination factors?

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