
I keep living in a lot of the place where I was with one person in that space ....a lot of this space and time of the real worlds are much slower.

The people meditate, the people rest, the people go to the hospital, the people go to the night market, the people go to the bookstore, sometimes the movie theater or the weekend shopping somewhere. I keep saying sometimes life doesn't need to be that edgy on everyone's cases. "I need to buy a brand water hose dragging 10 feet. its the same hardware store they selling the bucket outside in the night market, they have a thinner plastic tubes, its unlimited long."

"I need some paint for this wall, I am bored."  "I need to change my washer and dryers."

"They got the new kids taken over the business, I wish to change all this wiring my mother did...not sure anything she does this. Not all the way climbing up there, for this light bulb, you telling her doing this or she does that on purpose?"

"I have this new idea of the beidge color over my father dead body, its the brand new self made furniture, they say a month, shipping in in 2 weeks."

"I hardly watching any TV"  "Not sure."

"We have a town where they measure the senior citizen in the small tiny villege jurisdiction head. My grand pa uses to run that, my mother took me there. Its everything about her free to take, free to own, free to swipe the bus all line cards."

"I just told my friends them the hospital cosmetic, sorry skin care medical equipment stuffs. I thought to try that some body. In fact without telling them, I thought I tell my mother to go and try. Its we walking there this year and last year, over my some surgical things done. My mother didn't say anything, I didn't say anything. "

"You know we might try something it is exactly what we think. Because they open the new store there, but my mother took me to the ice rink their concert place supposes to be at. Its rather strange, we always going back to where we suppose to start."

"That is too extreme what you say. " "No, I am not interested."

"My life pace is slower. The aunt they are fighting the kids, we cannot come over, they are about to die. I wonder where is my grandmom dead body supposes to process."

" I am not sure. not interested."

"The TV not watching it yet. Talking none stop on the phone. The facebook overload, I need to find somebody else to talk to."

"We got a new box of the mask from 101. They...carry this never end to when?"

"You know...they have this dining new place open, how this flyers ending up in my hands, you always knew that."

"Not interested. Whom, and what ROC?"

"Not really...my father its a minus sign personality, forget about him best, for the rest of the eternity."

"Yeah? I think my father's friends, their girls kids grew up like us, that might be sound like the outfit dressing up, my neighbors, they are all double e. Did I tell you, I told my father, this is 13 girls I sent to the Taipei Women ASsociation, and someone in the night market looks like my uncle in the W Two worlds, he is in the church service. Inside my mail box. "

"I taken all the money, but not the others money on the real trial."

"I am not sure ..."

"I am tired...I am living on my interest."

"There is a bank right outside. The birds say...."

"I am not sure what they say anymore, I told the police say, I did. It was Keanu Reeves. There is a loop everywhere, that is bad."

"That is so unfortunate news."

"That is so sad."

"I cry"

"Its more than sad people dead."

"Its passing the due date, that is how the American says."


"Don't remember."

"Its the hospital visit, I am drowsy, not drowning, but feeling like. They all having a too perfect life, somewhere else. Me too. You know this prescription drugs its how much you go on vomit if were....fever on it, or the period on it. Tell me again, what is that? I really needed it when all this things show up?" 

"I personally really really really don't care about it. "

"Not really."

"But it sounds right?!"

"I type right."

"No, I don't have the personality, that is why I have no jobs there."

"I didn't plan my UB, or the college life, certainly no drive to ...becoming anyone. Not really. "

"Those are the guys' jobs. I just sleeping through every morning I wake up, these birds cannot shut up."



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