
You want to argue a case, that doesn't' mean you want to get 1) the public support or 2) the military support, they mean the capitalism. They are.

You want to win in front of the Judge to whomever, whatever, whichever else...that in that 10 years, or next 10 years...how you saying something "you sustain your own claim."

So you saying you are from the rural suburban area girls, medium family income statues, has the fear of the reality, that is what you say, all these things done to you. 

You can get the girls supports, not necessary the general public the any family parents wishing theirs kid growing up next 10 years, if not any of this NSYNC or celebrity they really really go and raise the kids themselves, and you keep saying the fake.

The uniform, the high tech leaser beam, the sleek material science temperature durable, the space project, the real material science gonna be found in all the Metopolitan TV Home Network Shopping, to the STAR, the SPACE, Anna has this photo. You realize....

Here is your claim, "We might be slower at the rural area, none of us wants that life, for example, Mimmo, she says their famiy gone to BBQ, not this water river stream tent life to where 400 millions dollars life, we cannot get the 400 millions dollars, and I am writing 3 years full, on every Friday night, there is no 400 millions dollar on my cases, anyone told, any lawyer told us, including her side everyone says its between the Judge and her. "

So here... "You     File     YOUR     claim."

We think the guys will side with us, on her facebook. She did it to everyone, not just the girls, to the guys as well, whatever she claims, or torn apart. She doesn't care. Just by that atitude she doesn't care, I think she gets all the troubles with the guys, and here are the lists I think I say for her, with the guys on her facebook, or including in our case joint combine.

We were both on this guy's facebook. 

Her facebook is off his.

You combine the girls to work through this your inside feeling, saying it, this 10 years...you expecting something, you being honest, you gone to the MD, or the psycharty included. You have all the bills, all the car bills, you told the Judge whom did you go and see. Whom else you see without telling your parents, whom did you go and meet. You take a risk of your life, outside your own comfer zone, "aren't we all have to grown up one day?"

You saying your heart eche those things?

When I was throwing anywhere with my mother helping them, I have to face a lot of things ALONE. I also have the heart ache. Looking at this Dean, oh, you mean the nurse doesn't go sleep on their penis if they coming near, the little nurse profession in our own worlds its very very very bad. That didn't torn your psychi reason, Erin is the best friends, hide in ph.D in America, and you say the professor?

I am telling you, I have more ache to push through, because those things are real.

Yeah, you can go to and get Hailey, or Nominji, or whom else the girls you keep seeing them up there. They are not up there, they seeing the trillionaires those Meet the Parents those adoption papers. 

Your want to get your internal feeling heard, you are bursting, no one knows you are so suffering this astral interface, how SMCH validating you, or someone told you.  You saying that loud to them, they finding things for you, seriuosly.

Your internal emotional Compete and Compared, its very very very astrally influence, sometimes "I felt...." " I have a darken dream or I literally have seen....." "I play poker cards, sorry Taro card with side by Catherine Black dress Black nails, no, I am not in there, but I understand where they all known name for...the Western New York. Mat used  to know a lady...."

You telling the whole story every details, and you mean that is true.

You don't go and running out of your parents, you say, you know where Anna is, if emergency wise I show up there, but not she was told I will be running away if anything happen whatever this TV gets me or push me this far.

You say that per word seriously to the Judge, seriously meant it. 

Do you talk to your lawyer constantly, or the psychiatrist? Because if you are more diligent on two side party, any extra word  you gain from them, you can write in the lawsuit.  What you all girls might be doing, its you are so happy that TV shows something about you, you are from a rural background, this is a new thing in your like, like an invention in the Edison Time called the phone box or the music box. You kidnap that thoughts for 10 long years, but nothing coming to begging you. You literally looking outside the door or the windows very very very often including the Sailor Moon. You did. You believe the Justice Department ought to do what they are told.

What you really did in the last 3 years time, you gone to the lawyer with the very limited money, so you decide you will go alone to the file-ing, with him when to get a hearing or a call necessary because you are not sure about...those file-ing statues. You are finding it out, not you are very sure about every procedure.

Anna is blah on this CNN, or the American President did for you, a certain English literacy or the word, so you thought these random English writing are toooooooooo "Lawful". 

You have other claims, not Anna says that day, because none of you are in Taiwan, to see that CNN what the President all did for efforting in. Its not all for you, but Anna makes a lightly brush over. She as if she rules that part of all world "The coastline of All Asian Pacific", its not really the China. Its the coastline, not the inland. Its a line. to the water region just outside the Japan a bit this entire longtitude area doing nothing but gossip about these two American President Past and Present...or very Past, what did they make themselves a name in the middle of the financial center, Anna every once a while pushing her agenda for saying she is helping us, or educating us. 

She says, "That is not a file-ing statue claim" or she meant that is not arguable claim or whatever the CNN supports to meant, she says, "One guys literally say that rainbow over the head, not in the voice, like his, or the crossing...." she later to go and slap that Hank looking guy's face like Melinda, about one million times.

Because that is for Prince William continuation of mocking mimic lifestyle. 

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