
Is there something wrong inside that video? @@ (You kids, I am talking to you. )

... Their upper worlds has a lot of this Sister-to their -brother younger than they are. 

Probably not so Earthly you saying helping each other the girls that you are = your next by each of the girlfriends, when you get older, like a certain age, you really need them just not right now on the weekend, dressing up "plain" or "same cartoon outfit", or "together outfit", whichever those street arts or in the same clubs you really cared about it.

I personally - the Judge side I think....the literal picture its I process 100 paper per day, the legal lawsuit, that is not the same time, but saying 90 days of that one year 365 days our time. Not exact like that. But American court room just saying I process 100 lawsuit very often by myself, not the time duration. That is just how they say "100 lawsuits", so you all going along your own case without me.

That is what they mean.

But another thing would be from my side, apparently someone told them, or they themselves, or some other decent more like a humane better Race saying if you just trying to help each other, side by near by top by, you will find out your own within reach of the limits, that per term, per Anna say, per degree lower your head down to those near by, you know what you make off, but you learn those per terms words. Because you are file-ing toooooo many times, the same exactly identical things, never end.

That feeling, that is what they say. 

Most time I cannot see the guys, I think its just the girls saying. 

The guys image behind....cannot be seen. Those I did see the guys, true. They themselves included, true. But the overall feeling I know the girls parts. The telepathy side I know how to process these per degree things myself. 

Here its the girls lawsuit, I think those are the girls mostly lawsuits mean. I think the guys also file too, but not sure the stronger points are not as much as on them. There is a feeling weighing how heavy the air supposes to be? I cannot describe it. I don't feel it. 

They didn't file? 

Or I got mix up, they gonna help you to file them?  They will learn along the way?  Not as strong as, 2 human races are mix it together. The man and the woman. They look like they file, or those yellow brown bag, or what do you file using the folder? The transparent or the Office depot, and what is in it? The submission are all in, I assuming that.

And? if someone took that piece of out, that is a blank? You mean the Loving the Silent Tear, the blank paper? One piece of paper?

One page literally A4? Back? (Flip over?) The judge has the eye glasses, I guess it exists. 

Funny ....(strange)

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