
That is swelling!


The guys they can do those thing on their own body. The girls can only just walking, and staying in the water, and drinking the liquid until the blood completely gone on the period. I have nothing else to talk about it.  The ancient left something for the "guys" exercise. That is true. They are the 4 limbs longer human. The girls only live in the water like a mermaid. I already talked about it. 

In Cayce Edgar words would be "the nerve forces" and this morning and evening time. If you have the period, you know the difference? My morning those vibration body are stronger, the evening not as intense as the morning. It might be the metabolism was totally different at night. But that time I thought was very exaggerating.....because, I was just 20 years old, or 21 years old. What if I get to the age where the metabolism, my mother will complain nothing but she is not like she used to. 

I think I tell my mother to see some bone doctors too, and twirling like "You've Got Mail".  Because her bones are so sos os oso thin, there is no muscle. Her legs, and she always wears these looooong skirts. She doesn't like her own legs looking. You cannot do anything with that. You can spin her, not you can...really touch anything. 

These words he uses, were the anterior or the posterior? Yeah I was saying they have a motion of that rotation of the muscle or the bones itself, you saying where is the ligament, where are the muscle, and what not are the nerves, the ones that picking up from the CNS. 

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